Thursday 27 June 2013

At the Marae

We went to the Ruapotoka Marae.

We learned about a Powhiri.

We learned how to raranga (weave ) a snake.

We learned Maori waiatas (songs).

We learned about Matariki.

We enjoyed our new learning, and more importantly we learned about all of the above in the Marae. How exciting is that!!!

Getting ready for the powhiri. The kotiro (girls) lead the way into the Marae.

The boys walked behind the girls because their role is to protect the girls when walking into the Marae.

The kaumatua spoke to us about their Marae. 

Here are the snakes  we made out of harakeke. Wow it was cool fun. We loved it.

 Listening to the last words from the kaumatua. 

The karanga - a welcome and calling us to the Marae.

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