Thursday 11 July 2013

Measuring a Lemon

We took 3 lemons of different sizes and we measured and compare:
 their circumference
 the distance when you roll them
the weight (heavy)  
the length of their skin when peeled
 the number of teaspoon of juice  
 How long is the circumference?

Which is the heaviest lemon? Can you guess?

 It is tricky trying to peel the skin with a knife. The teacher is the only one who can do it safely!

 Edward loves squeezing the juice out. Such hard work. Martin is there to support. 

 Aliyah is measuring the juice of each lemon using a teaspoon. Which one has more juice?

Ready to roll. "Mine will roll the furthest" says Raymond.

Who is holding the longest lemon skin?

That was an interesting lesson!!!

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