Friday 5 July 2013


Do you know that plastic bags can harm the environment because they do not rot?

Today in groups we discussed possible ways that supermarkets can help reduce the number of plastic bags we have in our homes. 

Here are our suggestions!

We think that supermarkets can help by...

limiting the number of bags customers can have in any one visit. Kyan, Edward and Sarah

giving stronger bags that could be reused again and again. Lani, Martin, Raymond

putting shopping into cardboard boxes - Nadia, Rhea

asking customers to bring their own bags - Lani

not providing bags at all. Nathan, Haniel, Ayliah

Here we are sharing our ideas after our group discussions.

Please feel free to add on if you have some ideas!!

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic project Room 2. I sometimes use cardboard boxes when I'm shopping. They are much easier to recycle afterwards... or you can use them again and again.
