Tuesday 3 September 2013


Kia Ora Whanau

Check this out. You will GO  WWOOOW after the show. It will be an experience not to miss out on.

So... be quick and buy your ticket from school.

Hurry Hurry Hurry See you there!!!

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Drama with Patrick

Wow what fun we had with Patrick.
We learned how to show different expressions on our faces.
Check out some of them below. 

Monday 19 August 2013


We are learning to infer - we looked at the articles that we brought from home. Here are some comments we made.

This person likes cats. Martin

........ likes playing with cats. Haniel

 I think that .......... likes monkeys. Leo

Perhaps .......... likes the babies better than the older ones. Aliyah

This could mean that ......... likes motorbikes and racing cars. Sean
I think that when .......... is older, he is going to buy a motorbike. Lovate
It could be that .......... will become a racing driver when he is older.  Martin 

This could mean that ....... likes watching Tom and Jerry.  Edward
My guess is that .......loves watching movies. Leo

Watch this space for more later. Yay!!! We love it

Friday 16 August 2013

Drama, Dance, Visual Art, Music

Lots of interesting learning is coming up this term. We will share them with you so make sure you watch our blog.   

We have had lots of fun with some Art activities. Here are some of the reflections and comments we made.

I heard music in my class and it was very fast and it was slow too.  Rhea

I liked playing the instruments. I like dressing up in costumes too. Ariki

Painting was fun and exciting because it was my first time painting.
I like dressing up as a princess because they are beautiful. Aliyah

I like painting because it was fun using the brush. Sunia

I was a shoe lady when we dressed up. Sarah

Yesterday in room 5 I dressed up as a vampire and I was happy. Leo

Drama is when you pretend to be somebody else. Martin

You can talk like someone else. Ariki

Tuesday 16 July 2013

What can we make out of plastic bags?

After lots of discussions and experimenting, we had great fun  trying to reuse the plastic bags. We are happily showing off some of our creations. Maybe you might have other suggestions that you can share with us.

Alex made a necklace. We suggested that he puts flowers on it too to make it more colourful.

 Aliyah made a headband and a bow. She sure is happy about her work.

 Hard at work with Whaea Jocelyn. Lani and Alex are weaving bookmarks.

 Edward, Martin and Nathan tried making a parachute. They are going to have fun throwing their parachute up in the air and watching it fall. Martin has spend time at home making his own parachute. Good on you Martin!!

 Such concentration and team work as Haniel and Raymond worked on their parachute. They had fun with it afterwards. Great work boys!!

 Lani created wrist bands. The smile says it all. 

 Here is a poi whaea made. Wow!! We can now learn how to twirl it. Sarah is going to have a go.

 More bow for Nadia's hair. She looks pretty and a cute smile to go with it too.
Lani brought this hat that was woven by her grandmother. It is made out of plastic bags from the bread wrappings. That is sooo clever. Thanks Lani for sharing.

Here is a rope we are weaving. We will use it in our classroom for hanging our displays. 

So what is our next step in being a good  kaitiaki?

Our biggest goal is to encourage people to use stronger bags that we can reuse for our shopping.
We are in the process of finding out how we can get these bags so we can share them with our community. This means that less plastic bags will be used. That will be great for our environment.
If you can help us with this please let us know. Thank you 

Sunday 14 July 2013

Around the oak tree

How many hand prints is needed to go around the bench under the oak tree?

We measured the distance around the oak tree with a piece of string.

We then measured the length of the string using a meter ruler. (ans 11 and 1/4 metres)

The number of hand prints that would fit on a meter ruler is 7 and a 1/2.

The number of hand prints that would fit on 2 meter rulers is 15.

Finally our 3 bright mathematicians worked out the answer by using number strategies like counting in ones, counting on, doubling numbers and adding two halves to make a whole.
We found that 82 and 1/2 hand prints is needed to go around the oak tree.


Thursday 11 July 2013

Measuring a Lemon

We took 3 lemons of different sizes and we measured and compare:
 their circumference
 the distance when you roll them
the weight (heavy)  
the length of their skin when peeled
 the number of teaspoon of juice  
 How long is the circumference?

Which is the heaviest lemon? Can you guess?

 It is tricky trying to peel the skin with a knife. The teacher is the only one who can do it safely!

 Edward loves squeezing the juice out. Such hard work. Martin is there to support. 

 Aliyah is measuring the juice of each lemon using a teaspoon. Which one has more juice?

Ready to roll. "Mine will roll the furthest" says Raymond.

Who is holding the longest lemon skin?

That was an interesting lesson!!!

Friday 5 July 2013


Do you know that plastic bags can harm the environment because they do not rot?

Today in groups we discussed possible ways that supermarkets can help reduce the number of plastic bags we have in our homes. 

Here are our suggestions!

We think that supermarkets can help by...

limiting the number of bags customers can have in any one visit. Kyan, Edward and Sarah

giving stronger bags that could be reused again and again. Lani, Martin, Raymond

putting shopping into cardboard boxes - Nadia, Rhea

asking customers to bring their own bags - Lani

not providing bags at all. Nathan, Haniel, Ayliah

Here we are sharing our ideas after our group discussions.

Please feel free to add on if you have some ideas!!

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Plastic Bags

Plastic bags. They come in different colours, shapes and sizes. 

We are investigating about the different types of plastic bags. 

Are they a problem to the environment? 

We will do some investigations and will share our learning later. Watch this space!!

 Nadia brought these bags from her house. 
What can we do with them?

How can we put them into good use?

Thursday 27 June 2013

At the Marae

We went to the Ruapotoka Marae.

We learned about a Powhiri.

We learned how to raranga (weave ) a snake.

We learned Maori waiatas (songs).

We learned about Matariki.

We enjoyed our new learning, and more importantly we learned about all of the above in the Marae. How exciting is that!!!

Getting ready for the powhiri. The kotiro (girls) lead the way into the Marae.

The boys walked behind the girls because their role is to protect the girls when walking into the Marae.

The kaumatua spoke to us about their Marae. 

Here are the snakes  we made out of harakeke. Wow it was cool fun. We loved it.

 Listening to the last words from the kaumatua. 

The karanga - a welcome and calling us to the Marae.